Kackle Of College Karens Harass Latino Hot Dog Vendor

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Published at : February 20, 2023

Andrés Argüelles Álvarez's was worried about keeping his hot dog stand clean and sanitary while a group of female college students pick at his grill and throw food around. Dr. Rashad Richey and Jessica Burbank discuss on Indisputable. Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Read more here: https://www.rawstory.com/latino-street-vendor-harasses-by-white-women-speaks-out/

"A video posted to TikTok (but later deleted) showed a group of women harassing a food vendor near San Diego State University. Now, the vendor is speaking to the media.

In the video, a group of four women stand over Andrés Argüelles Álvarez's grill as he cooks. One woman picks a piece of food from the grill and throws it towards the camera."


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230217__ID05KackelofKarens Kackle Of College Karens Harass Latino Hot Dog Vendor